tisdag, september 27, 2005


Orkanen Katrina och översvämningen av New Orleans var uppenbarligen inte tillräckligt för att få folk att ifrågasätta rimligheten i att ha en storstad under havsytan och direkt i vägen för orkanstråken. Inte heller fick den blottläggning av korruption, valfläsk och inkompetens som orkanen orsakade någon effekt.

Washington Post rapporterar via Reason, "What's More Despicable...":

“Louisiana Sens. David Vitter (R) and Mary Landrieu (D) tucked the request into their $250 billion Hurricane Katrina Disaster Relief and Economic Recovery Act, the state's opening salvo in the scramble for federal dollars.

The bill, unveiled last week, would create a powerful "Pelican Commission" controlled by Louisiana residents that would decide which Corps projects to fund, and ordered the commission to consider several controversial navigation projects that have nothing to do with flood protection. The Corps section of the Louisiana bill, which was supported by the entire state delegation, was based on recommendations from a "working group" dominated by lobbyists for ports, shipping firms, energy companies and other corporate interests.”

Som sagt - mer nyliberalism är vad som behövs, inte mindre.

PS. 250 miljarder dollar är, inflationsjusterat, mer än vad Louisiana Purchase kostade år 1803.