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En bekant som arbetar för borgmästarkandidaten Vitaliy Klitchko i Kiev, Ukraina skickade detta pressmeddelande under gårdagen och bad mig sprida det i Sverige. Var dock medvetna om att det är ett pressmeddelande från ett politiskt parti, dessutom ett som jag inte har hunnit faktakolla.
(Statement of the civic party “Pora” and party “Reforms and Order”)
The teenager who suffered from the policemen was operated urgently. Oleksandr is now in reanimation in one of the hospitals. He lost
The pre-election situation in Kyiv is very tense. Top-officials of Ukrainian police and Ministry of Internal Affairs are running for Kyiv Council. Vitaliy Yarema, the Head of the Chief Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the City of
Instead of providing public order, Kyiv police became a participant of the political process. Policeman’s shooting into a defenseless seventeen-year-old boy who did not violate public order depicts an unhealthy situation in the police structures. Kyiv Headquarter of the block of Vitaliy Klitchko “PORA-PRP” demands to urgently investigate the tragedy objectively.
The leader of the Civic Block “PORA-PRP”, candidate for the position of Kyiv City Mayor Vitaliy Klitchko is staying with the teenager. The Headquarter of the block makes all the efforts to organize donor support for him.
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